Development and application of a high-temperature infrared heating test system for quartz lamps (aerospace thermal environment simulation)

2024-04-23 11:17:00 147

In order to verify the thermal insulation performance of materials and structures used in the thermal protection system of reusable carriers and long endurance hypersonic aircraft in close proximity space under high total heating conditions, a theoretical analysis was conducted on the radiation thermal environment of flat quartz lamp heaters. On this basis, a set of thermal environment simulation equipment for ground assessment testing of thermal protection materials and structural insulation performance of aircraft was designed and manufactured, and a supporting energy and measurement and control system was built. This testing system was used to carry out typical applications such as temperature to 800 ℃ cold and hot alternating load thermal environment simulation tests, ballistic continuous change thermal boundary simulation tests with a temperature rise rate of 50 ℃/s, batch thermal environment loading tests, and multi temperature zone nonlinear aerodynamic thermal environment equivalent simulation tests under single heat source conditions. The stability of the heating system's long-term operation, the high temperature distribution uniformity in the thermal radiation zone, and the reliability of the measurement and control system were verified.

Tianyong has developed and produced various high-precision special infrared light source products for Harbin Institute of Technology, which are used for aerospace material simulation heating and interference target sources for infrared target simulators. We are honored that Tianyong can contribute to aerospace with the power of its Weibo account.

